Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Randy, Caroline, Judy, and David in Austin at James' recital

We are regulars at Lupe Tortilla, here with Bella, Gabe, and Nick.

We lost our tallest palm tree in 2018; some jobs are hard to fill.

Ripley loves Ashley

Clifford at John Junkins' 75th birthday celebration with his "Godfather" song

Bella in red shorts at Skybreak Church youth camp

NIck and Gabe at the Viet Nam memorial in College Station on Veteran's Day

Alex and Ripley in Galveston

Ashley and Judy in Galveston

Clifford at CM Howell's memorial celebration, with CM Jr. and Porter Howell

An all time favorite picture of Ashley

Dr. Glaze at the Rett Center In Houston with Ashley's annual examination.

The Foster's from CA visit for good times

Judy with high school buddies, on their first 2018 "girl" trip - to our house.

Bella with Stepfather Mike Walker

Judy with Aimee Allen and Barbara Webb at a jam session

President Nick and advisor Bella at the President's desk, Bush Library in College Station

Ashley with her buddy, Betsy Duff, at Mardi Gras at Luigi's.

Happy Birthday, Alex. A celebration at Christopher's.

Gabe and Nick know how to celebrate veterans' day.

Thank you, Lord, for the year 2018. This completes our look at the year. Adios from both of us.